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Fresh Grassroots Rainbow Community
We are a non-profit organisation that support Black, Asian and Other LGBT refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK.
We are a non-profit organisation that support Black, Asian and Other LGBT refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK.
Our lovely No One Is Illegal T shirts are available to order in all sizes
Our lovely No One Is Illegal T shirts are available to order in all sizes available In 3 colours White, Blue and Black.
Available in all sizes; XM - XXXL
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Our team of regulars and part-time volunteers are committed to helping. We take our convictions and turn them into action. Think you would be a good fit? Get in touch for more information!
Seeing a need for an energetic, non-profit organisation for Black, Asian Ethnic Minority and Other LGBT Refugees and People Seeking Asylum in the UK, we formed our organisation to provide sensible solutions and support. We've consistently grown since then, all thanks to the helping hands of this amazing community!
We support Black, Asian Ethnic Minority and Other LGBTQIA refugees and people seeking Asylum in the UK. Through data-driven models, ongoing campaign and advocacy work, we empower marginalised and disenfranchised communities and provide long-lasting solutions.
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!
A nonprofit LGBT support group for people seeking Asylum. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change. Our members need support during this unprecedented time with food parcels, warm clothes, money to attend pride parade, eveni social
There are many ways to support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.
Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, United Kingdom
Contact: 07821 625650 Email: team@freshgrassrootsrainbowcommunity.org Facebook: Fresh Grassroots Rainbow Community Twitter:@FreshGrassroots Instagram: @fgrc_uk
Fresh Grassroots Rainbow Community Seeking Hope: A Lifeline for LGBTQIA Asylum Seekers in the UK
In the twilight hours of a cold night, Favour found herself on a dimly lit street in London. Just a week ago, she had fled her home country, where simply being herself was a crime. She was part of the LGBTQIA community privately, and her home country threatened her with persecution, 14 years imprisonment, and even death. With fear gripping her heart, Favour had embarked on a journey of faith and hope, seeking asylum in the UK.
However, arriving in the UK didn't immediately bring the safety and comfort she had dreamed of. The complexities of the asylum process, coupled with financial constraints, left her feeling overwhelmed and isolated. But Favour wasn't alone. There are countless LGBTQIA individuals who face similar, if not worse, challenges, desperate for a place where they can be themselves without fear.
🌈 Join Our Cause 🌈
As the realities of these challenges dawn upon us, we Fresh Grassroots Rainbow Community, the champions of migration justice, are taking a stand. We’ve been and aim to continue to offer aid, support, and resources to brave souls like Favour. But for that, we need your help.
Every donation, no matter how small, can make an enormous difference. Your support can provide:
- Legal aid to navigate the complex asylum process.
- Shelter and accommodation during their transitional phase.
- Mental health services to cope with the traumas faced.
- Educational resources and job training to help them start afresh.
- Transportation to Pride events and evening social so they can integrate and get evidence for their cases,
- Hot meals and palatives
With your support, we can not only assist LGBTQIA people seeking asylum immediately, but also ensure they have a sustainable future, free from the shadows of their past.
🌟 Stand with Us🌟
Our community thrives on the strength of its supporters. Together, we can create a haven of hope, love, and acceptance for those who've faced unimaginable adversity simply for being true to themselves.
"Every ripple of support creates waves of change."
Donate today and be a beacon of hope for LGBTQIA people seeking asylum. Let's build a brighter, inclusive future together. As a volunteer run, grassroots organisation, FGRC relies on donations and external funding to be able to do what we do.
Any donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated.
You can also fundraise for us
#LGBTQIAAsylumSupport #MigrationJustice #TogetherWeStand
If you would like to donate to us, you can do so in multiple, secure ways. Whichever you choose, we thank you for your generosity.
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**Fresh Grassroots Rainbow Community Seeking Hope: A Lifeline for LGBTQIA Asylum Seekers in the UK**
In the twilight hours of a cold night, Favour found herself on a dimly lit street in London. Just a week ago, she had fled her home country, where simply being herself was a crime. She was part of the LGBTQIA community privately, and her home country threatened her with persecution, 14 years imprisonment, and even death. With fear gripping her heart, Favour had embarked on a journey of faith and hope, seeking asylum in the UK.
However, arriving in the UK didn't immediately bring the safety and comfort she had dreamed of. The complexities of the asylum process, coupled with financial constraints, left her feeling overwhelmed and isolated. But Favour wasn't alone. There are countless LGBTQIA individuals who face similar, if not worse, challenges, desperate for a place where they can be themselves without fear.
🌈 **Join Our Cause** 🌈
As the realities of these challenges dawn upon us, we Fresh Grassroots Rainbow Community, the champions of migration justice, are taking a stand. We’ve been and aim to continue to offer aid, support, and resources to brave souls like Favour. But for that, we need *your* help.
Every donation, no matter how small, can make an enormous difference. Your support can provide:
- Legal aid to navigate the complex asylum process.
- Shelter and accommodation during their transitional phase.
- Mental health services to cope with the traumas faced.
- Educational resources and job training to help them start afresh.
- Transportation to Pride events and evening social so they can integrate and get evidence for their cases,
- Hot meals and palatives
With your support, we can not only assist LGBTQIA people seeking asylum immediately, but also ensure they have a sustainable future, free from the shadows of their past.
🌟 **Stand with Us** 🌟
Our community thrives on the strength of its supporters. Together, we can create a haven of hope, love, and acceptance for those who've faced unimaginable adversity simply for being true to themselves.
"Every ripple of support creates waves of change."
Donate today and be a beacon of hope for LGBTQIA people seeking asylum. Let's build a brighter, inclusive future together. #LGBTQIAAsylumSupport #MigrationJustice #TogetherWeStand
"Asylum, Identity, and Human Dignity: A Plea for Compassion and Justice for Marginalised Communities"
"Addressing the Need for Asylum Reforms: Reflections on the Struggles of LGBTQ+ and Women in Oppressive Regimes"
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Fresh Grassroots Rainbow community is a support and social group for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in the UK who are seeking asylum,refugee and other migrants of African heritage,wide Black, Asian Ethnic Minority and other Migrants seeking safety or any form of settlement in the Uk.
We are a full-service and peer support with the aim of
rendering quality,creative and holistic support to meet our members complex LGBT needs with the help and support of others like you, our allies.
Fresh Grassroots Rainbow community is a group which began as a peer support group when members were going through the worst part of their lives in another support group facing tyranny and oppression and during a pandemic, launched by two friends in response to an increasing number of LGBT people seeking asylum who were asking for way out of the situation they were in at the moment and practical support. We have continued to serve as we are giving back to the community through our life-changing experience, we provide practical support for the day-to-day running of the group.
We play the core part of standing with them through the process of getting settlements and integrating them into UK society by bridging the gaps with the hopes of establishing a relationship with other organisations.
Over the years, this group has grown very fast, with members scattered around Birmingham, Bradford, Leeds,Halifax, Huddersfield, Stoke on Trent, Manchester,Coventry, Nottingham, Bolton, London and Wigan. We do not have a bank account or any funding yet, but we support the members with our personal earnings from our work although many members of the group who are refugees have supported us in one way or the other.
Meetings has been online on zoom but, in May 2021, we had the first garden party in Halifax and after the restrictions were lifted we have been rotating cities, Halifax, Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham, we are very grateful to the Manchester Pride for providing us with wristbands to take part in Equality March last year which great and generous support.
We are equally very grateful for the numerous members granted Refugee status just in this short period of time and we look forward to more in this year. No one is illegal!
We play the core part of standing with them through the process of getting settlements and integrating them into the UK society by bridging the gaps with the hopes of establishing a relationship with you and other organisations.
We are a full-service and peer support with the aim of
rendering quality,creative and holistic support to meet our members complex LGBT needs with the help and support of others like you, our allies.
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